Lost Princess

A long time ago there was an assumed princess, she relied on the title more than its charm, no this is not the tale of romance, it is a tale of brutal honesty, the kind which is ruining our generation, slowly yet steadily, while we hop on & off, all the while looking out for that one prince or many poppers, we conveniently forget that before the prince comes a station where we gain confidence & freedom which does not require a holding hand or someone who will buy a ticket for you.


Niah followed the suite, just like every known princess, sham the self desire and fuel ego of the rotten society.

“It’s time” Niah said, blushing from ear to ear

It was her princess moment, pre-wedding photo shoot, all she had been dreaming of since this affair was arranged. It will be only her and Prince, they will smile, hug, sing and draw photos which depicts the epitome of love, even though they have just met.

“Why  aren’t you wearing the Tiara?” Prince inquired, she hid the disappointment but it was hurtful to follow the suite in his name, it was his name not her identity.

A day before he had sent her a dress and a tiara for this shoot, even though she had already gone shopping and picked a lilac color gown with pearl string and informed him yet she was wearing red, his favorite color on her.

Every relationship has nooks to cut and here it was hers, fairy tale, arranged but hers to mold and her life revolved around Cinderella, happy ending.

Niah is an athlete, she loves adrenaline, she was recently offered a creative role at an advertising agency, who were impressed by her high flying life and an envious spirit but every story has a turning point, Prince had just flown in for a wedding on the same weekend from Florida, tracks changed and plans of corporate life backtrack as he preferred someone whose center of attention was his life and nothing else.

As every Cinderella she complied and he pampered her in return, a favor nonetheless, for how long I will never know, because just like you and me, we are looking for rainbows in dust, we are not pulling our wheeling cart but cutting our wings, because yesterday you passed up on a promotion or a year long project which would put you on a successful trajectory or simple took a long break because “Prince” decided to move the baton.



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